Goodbye LeRoy Airport 5G0: COVID-19 Notice
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Planes parked in tie-down area. Welcome to LeRoy Airport Sign

Antenna 122.8 (Unicom)

Last Updated: Jun 14, 2024
Fuel Type: 100LL
Self Serve $6.48
* Based Aircraft eligible for a discount.
Airport Services


Pilots and Passengers at 5G0

We are experiencing extraordinary times as we all know due to the COVID-19, (Corona virus) outbreak. By now you are all familiar with the CDC’s current recommendations for health care. Below are a link’s for CDC, Genesee County, and Monroe County:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Genesee Orleans County Health Departments COVID-19 Status
Monroe County Coronavirus Resources

Additionally, here are some other possible considerations before and after flight to think about if you have not already:

  • Before you head to the Airport bring sanitizer or soap with you!
  • Prior to flight wash your hands/sanitize.
  • Cockpits are very small quarters we all know.
  • Assure you are in good health.
  • Have your passengers been in any of the “hot spots” or traveled out of the country?
  • Are your passengers sick or have they been?
  • How to protect yourself:
  • CDC How to Protect Yourself
  • Clean, clean, clean.
  • Sharing of headsets, iPads, tablets, cell phones etc. you might want to rethink.
  • Clean digital and non-digital surfaces.
  • Door latches, other touched surfaces.
  • After fueling up opening/closing Gas Pump doors, use of key pad, Nozzle, hose, & grounding cable wash Hands/sanitize.
  • This is a very limited list.... add to it as needed and you might want to make it part of your preflight and post flight check list.
  • Follow CDC recommendations guidelines.
  • Remember, various airports may not be open, may not have adequate or any supplies for sanitizing.
  • Bring your own sanitizer and...if you have a spare bottle leave it at the airport.
  • Be aware of changing updates by the CDC.

Fly Safe~
Le Roy Airport

New York State COVID-19 Restrictions

As 5G0 is located in New York State, we are bound by the restrictions and guidelines set by the state. These guidelines are to help ensure everyone stays healthy. WNY is experiencing a huge increase in COVID-19 cases and unfortunately, deaths due to it.

NY employees are eligible for 80 hours of sick time pay as part of the Cares Act. Note: this is not automatic as there is a significant clause that makes someone ineligible if they travel outside of NYS for non-essential reasons.

The link can be found here

NYS Phase 4 Reopening

The Le Roy Airport (5G0) is in Western NY, Genesee County, Finger Lakes region which is now in Phase 4 of reopening New York. The following are requirements for Public areas:

  • Please, wear a face mask when in the Airport office and any time a minimum of 6' (feet) social distance can't be maintained.
  • Use Hand Sanitizer and soap and water in the office and bathroom, sanitizer wipes at the fuel pumps!
  • Anyone that needs a mask or gloves when at the airport (5G0), please let Ray know.

The primary prevention message is to practice standard precautions. These include: maintaining social distance of at least 6ft.(feet), wearing a face mask or cloth face shield in public settings, washing your hands often, covering your coughs and sneezes, and of the most importance if you are ill , stay home. Stay away from the airport, work and avoid public places. Call your doctor.

Thank you

Le Roy Airport

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All Rights Reserved LeRoy Aviation Services, Inc (LAS), LeRoy, NY